Monday 15 December 2014

Letter To You

Dear Santa, Family and Friends...

These are the letters we write for others, but what about a letter to You?

As we enter the season of winter, which is a time for introspection and reflection, this time of year can be filled with stress, and business that keeps us distracted by time. As the month comes to an end, the concept of time will stimulate guilt of the things we feel we didn’t achieve and stimulate the fear for the new year to set goals of all things we think we need to achieve, become, and do.  This is continually feeding the separation and longing for love and acceptance, which we are all aware, is an inside job.

I welcome you to join me on an exercise to write a letter to yourself, exploring your year. Highlight all of the things you have accomplished, the lessons you have learned, the challenges you have overcome, the things you are proud of and what had you feeling creative and inspired. During this process, I found myself amazed of how much I did do, as I followed myself through out the entire year. As I highlighted some of the conflicts, I was able to observe and simplify the awareness and the skills I am still nurturing. I noticed my list was dominated with aspects of career, and found awareness in area’s I would like to take more time to nurture through the holidays and year to come.

As I try to stop feeding the guilt of the things not checked off my To Do List, and prevent feeding the fear of the New Year and I am not making a list of all my “To DO’s” for 2015. I am trying a new approach, allowing life to unfold opportunities vs trying to create and make opportunities! This has me settling in with a feeling of ease and calmness entering this Holiday season.

Wishing Everyone a Holiday Season filled with much love, laughter and rejuvenation!


Take some time to honour yourself, find a quiet place with a journal, pen and paper, or set up a comfortable environment with your computer. Allow yourself to reflect on your year, as we know each year is filled with it’s up’s and down’s . The low points are what I like to call our growth spurts, the times through the year where we often gain new awareness. The high times we come out to share our wisdom and celebrate and rejuvenate.

As you journal the year, allow this to be an opportunity to synthesise your new awareness’s and, see all the things you have accomplished. Allowing this to be an opportunity to start the year with a new perspective of self awareness of your personal growth.

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